Quick control screen
under review
Not enough options for multiple lights in same room. Add options here to decrease users total "clicks".
In this screen, buttons for colors should be under each light, so users can turn on just one light to their desired color.
Click and hold 'custom colors' button to enter menu for changing colors.
Kenny Lam
under review
Antonin Carre
Hi and thanks for the feedback :)
Let us try to rephrase, to make sure we understood your idea accurately: when opening one room, you would like that every "device tile", on top of featuring the on/off toggle and the brightness slider, would also offer a certain number of shortcuts for colors/light modes, to apply to this device without having to drill down any further.
And long pressing those shortcuts could trigger the custom color selection, instead of tapping on the tile to drill down.
Are we getting this right? :)
On my quick control screen, I do not see a brightness slider. I'm taking about the first screen once you click on a room.
Other than that, yes. Once you click on a room, have more options for each device listed. You all would have the data to see an average of how many devices people have power room, so you could see if this makes sense to implement. If people have an average of 1, 2, or 3 devices per room, adding more options should still allow them to see everything without scrolling down.
As far as the custom color option. On this same screen we are talking about, the custom color button currently turns on the devices when selected. I think it would be helpful if a long press directs the user to the customizing color palette.
Thank you for continuing to improve your products
I just now realized where the brightness slider is that you mentioned in your reply. I guess that tells us that it isn't intuitive as to what it is. But now that I know it's there, it's very useful. More options like this on the quick control screen the better, like I described in my original feedback.